Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Part VI - Dynamics

Soon after tooling around in the K2 for a while, I hopped in my old chair to shoot some hoops with one of my boys. It felt so weird. Not having any wheels behind me felt a little disconcerting. Don't get me wrong, I am a whiz at wheelies, but it felt odd.

Another strange feeling was where the wheels were. The wheel placement on the K2 is far forward.
When you push on the wheels, they're basically in front of the weight so in actuality, you're pulling the weight. Plus you get much more purchase on the wheels. On my old chair, while the wheels are more forward than normal (to make it
a more sportier chair), they are almost directly under the weight and being further back you can't get the same effectiveness when pushing. And that's more of what you're doing...you're pushing.

Either they put a lot of thought about the dynamics of pushing/pulling the weight with the way this chair is set up or it was pure accident. To me, it doesn't matter much what they did, because it just works. The chair is comfortable and easy to move.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree James. I used my old chair recently whilst going out because I had a car full of furniture and needed to take the old one with for space and it was awful! I got stuck on the tiniest steps which in my K2 I just power over. A very frustrating experience and one that reminded me how much I love my K2. I suppose we cannot expect anything else from an ex formula 1 engineer who spent so much time and money inventing the K2; thanks Mike :-)
